Diverse curriculum offerings
At Toowoomba North State School we believe the extra-curricular program makes a significant contribution to the life of the school. We offer a rich, deep extra-curricular program in the sporting, cultural, musical and leadership fields. Our students participate in a wide range of experiences designed to help them feel proud of themselves and of their school. We keenly celebrate the achievements of our students and enjoy seeing them excel in their chosen interest areas. Our past extended curriculum offerings have included Optiminds, Wakakirri, small school academic and sporting challenges, local show competitions and landcare learning opportunities.
Every student takes part in a specialist technology program, aimed at providing them with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes to prepare for success in a digital world. In addition to weekly lessons, technology is integrated into all curriculum areas.
‘Green’ group
Our ‘Green’ group students care for the school orchard and vegetable garden. Under the tutelage of teachers, students learn how to grow and harvest fruits and vegetables, recycle materials and manage energy use in the school environment. Students convert produce from the school’s gardens into delicious meals or saleable items for our community members. Proceeds are directed back into improving our school environment.
‘Sparks’ reading program
Our school enjoys a partnership with the Commonwealth Bank whereby staff members donate their time to a morning a week for 20 weeks of the school year to read with and to selected students.