Our staff team is proud to work at Toowoomba North State School and we value the culture and traditions of the school, as well as collectively working together towards an even better tomorrow. We have over 30 staff members employed at Toowoomba North State School that can be identifed by their school badge.
Our administration team members are a united team, with Mrs. Kaarin Littleton serving as principal for the past ten years. Kaarin’s professional interests include technology in education, Indigenous education, school pedagogical reform, early childhood education and moving diverse learners to higher education success across all key learning areas.
Our professional staff team works together as a united team to deliver the highest quality education within the allocative resource models. Teachers use a bank of common pedagogical models which are based on research and which provide a common teaching approach. Core improvement priorities are well known to staff and together we build plans to derive further improvements in student performance while measuring data across short and periodic cycle’s within the school calendar.